Equanimity can be characterized as a quality of mind that is impartial.Imperturbability is the opposite of a reactive mind.
Exploring your voice for the world is an inner investigation that can support those of us that are asking ourselves questions like: What do I really want? Who am I and what am I sharing with the world. How am I showing up in the world?
Meditation is about taking time to observe how you’re feeling. There is no goal. No place to reach. No calm state to achieve. Just observing where you are in the moment. Here is a 2-3’ meditation to do just that.
I never really realized the power of forgiveness, until I experienced what I can only describe as ultimate forgiveness.
A vision board can be used to answer any questions you may have about yourself. A great way to begin is to explore the question: ‘Who am I at my essence? What are the things that reflect who I am at my core?'
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len states that we are all responsible for everything that we see in our world.